San Saba River Needs Your Support

FOSS is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) public charity. FOSS members have participated in countless meetings, calls and e-mails with the TCEQ and state legislators advocating for the San Saba River’s future. No salaries or compensation are paid to any FOSS directors or members. FOSS depends on talented and experienced attorneys and hydrologists to protect the San Saba River, which has resulted in continuous minimum water flow since 2016. Donations are needed to pay for these professionals and allow FOSS to continue protecting the San Saba River. Donations to FOSS are tax deductible.

FOSS has raised the public’s awareness of the serious threats to the San Saba River’s survival, but there is still much that needs to be done to secure the San Saba River’s future health. FOSS needs your donations to help us get over the finish line so future generations of Texans will enjoy a vibrant, pristine river instead of a seasonal creek.


San Saba River Needs Your Support

So Future Texans Can Enjoy a Vibrant, Pristine River
